I'm not big on this game.
The overall concept is cool, sort of a Kirby For Adults game. But this game is riddled with enough flaws to keep me from really enjoying it.
1.) The perspective makes combat a pain. Whether it's trying to pick up a weapon, trying to run around the enemy without getting hit, the difficulty of properly guesstimating how far up and down to run causes quite a bit of frustration.
2.) Picking Up Weapons. Like I said before, picking up weapons is difficult. Not only that, but you never tell us that you CAN pick up weapons, or how to do it. So for a while, I assumed that they were just there for decoration, as I failed to pick them up when I tried. (You have to press A when you're standing right on top of a weapon.)
3.) Using Weapons. It feels like a generic feature in contrast to the aforementioned Kirby-style gameplay. It also feels slapped on, given the lack of instructions for picking up weapons. Besides that, weapons, no matter their shape or size, don't change your fighting style or range. Unfortunately, using weapons is necessary at many points in the game.
4.) Not enough edibles. Or rather, not everything is edible. It's not like there are more subtle edibles which blend in with the scenery but provide better powerups. You can't eat a loose brick from the wall and spit bricks at opponents. You should give the player opportunities to feel clever, like eating bullets and shooting them back.
Those are the major points. Again, the concept is great, and the story is humorous, but the overall execution leaves a lot to be desired.